Discover Jennings

Discover Jenning County


Join me as I embark on a journey of exploration and delve deeper into our  local attractions, businesses, and leadership. Through this page, you’ll have the opportunity to uncover the hidden gems and unique aspects that make Jennings County such a thriving community. Discover the captivating history behind our town, explore the breathtaking natural beauty that surrounds us, and learn about the diverse range of activities and events that take place throughout the year. Whether you’re a resident looking to delve into the heart of your hometown or a visitor seeking to unravel the treasures of Jennings County, this page serves as your gateway to an abundance of information and resources. 

Securing Our

Future Leaders

Ensuring the safety and well-being of students is a top priority for both parents and education leaders. Recognizing this, every school has a dedicated School Resource Officer (SRO) who plays a crucial role in maintaining a secure and nurturing environment. These exceptional officers go above and beyond their duty to establish strong connections with students, fostering relationships that extend far beyond graduation. This week, we had the privilege of speaking with Seth Beville, the School Resource Officer at Jennings County High School. Officer Beville’s interactions with the students extend far beyond maintaining order and enforcing rules. He takes the time to understand their individual needs and concerns, offering guidance and support whenever necessary. By being a consistent presence in the school, Officer Beville instills a sense of security, helping students feel comfortable and empowered. By building lifelong connections, SROs like Officer Beville positively impact the lives of the students they serve. As parents, educators, and community members, we can take comfort in knowing that our school resource officers are diligently working to create a safe and nurturing environment for our children.

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